Friday, November 29, 2019
Anger Essays - Emotions, Anger, Rage, Resentment, Rageaholic
Anger Aspects Anger has always been one of the most predominant emotions among human beings. Quick to rise, and even quicker to lash out, the simple emotion of anger has the power to destroy and create. Some only see the side of anger that causes meaningless death and destruction; however, for those who seek it, there is another side. Anger has been the motivator for many who have been oppressed, and refuse to allow their servitude to continue. People who are forced into slavery and subjugation can only rely upon anger for their oppressors to keep them vigilant for a chance to escape or revolt. The two-faced emotion of anger shows its malevolent face as often as it shows its beneficial one. The cold rage that anger can pull a person into has ended or ruined many lives. With little or no warning, anger can strike a man down, showing no remorse and giving no restitution. When a slave lies in the dark on his hard bed of dirt, wind whipping through his tattered blanket, anger keeps him warm. A building rage accumulates in him, and drives him to seek freedom, a freedom he deserves. This scene repeats itself throughout time, all over the world. Anger sends adrenaline surging through a mother's body in a time of crisis, giving her enough strength to lift a car off her struggling child. Without anger lives would be lost, tyranny would go unopposed, and inhumanities would be quietly accepted. Anger becomes a powerful tool in the hands of those who know how to shape its energies into a useful form. There are people who cannot direct the energy given to them by anger. They allow anger to consume them, to run their lives. These people fall victim to the essence of anger: a mindless, uncaring rage. Lashing out at the people around them, destroying what they can without remorse or regret, these people, consumed with anger, are recorded in the annals history as symbols of true evil. Those are the most extreme examples of the potential destructive power of anger. Yet the more common and isolated instances of anger's wrath are just as devastating to the individuals who suffer through them. An enraged husband may misunderstand a situation and, blinded by anger, try to strike back at his wife, whom he believes has been unfaithful. If he had been in possession of all his faculties he could have seen that he had merely misinterpreted the matter and there was no need for action on his part. Yet instead his blood runs like molten iron through his veins, he only sees the infidelity of his partner until death. His actions destroy the love between them which had been nurtured for years. Anger destroys love: the greatest tragedy of our time. Anger, the most powerful and feared emotion of the soul's repertoire, destroys and creates in the same breath. A swaying balance is a representation of anger; every shift toward an apocalypse is countered with a swing in the direction of new life. Moving from one person to the next anger is an ever present force in our world, and has been since the beginning of time. No one can defeat anger since it is not a foe, and no one can embrace anger since it is not an ally. Anger is a great objective cycle: destroying what it creates and creating what it destroys.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on By Our Deaf Students Well Be Taught
Hearing people have a lot to offer to the deaf when it comes to language, such as the teaching of sign language, proper English, ways to communicate effectively, and much more. What they don’t realize is that deaf people can indeed return the favor. For instance, one could say that the majority of deaf people acquitted their knowledge of sign language from a hearing teacher. There are times where, after being taught, deaf people would give their teachers little cues that allow them to communicate with them more effectively. Helen E. Meador, in her article, tells of several encounters with deaf students. In one of her many experiences, she explains how she learned to sign what she means in order ensure that her students understood what she meant, not what she signed. In one of her classes, for example, she was reading them a book and upon completion, asked them to close their books and to her amazement, they didn’t. When inquiring why they didn’t do as told, one of her students told her that she didn’t say it like she meant it, since her eyebrows weren’t raised. This clearly showed that the deaf not only relied on signs to communicate, but also facial expression. After this incident she learned to use more facial expression to ensure that her students understood what she meant while she communicates with them. In another encounter, Meador learned to be creative with her signing. In one of her reading classes, after completing a short story, she asked the class their opinion of the story. One student replied, â€Å"2-4-8†. Puzzled, Meador asked the student what she meant and the student told her that it simply meant, â€Å"very interesting†. That day, Meador learned to use sign language at a different level. One of the many things Meador learned from the deaf was language tolerance. In one situation a deaf student taught her the visual mode of communication. She tells of a teacher who experienced a communicat... Free Essays on By Our Deaf Students We'll Be Taught Free Essays on By Our Deaf Students We'll Be Taught Hearing people have a lot to offer to the deaf when it comes to language, such as the teaching of sign language, proper English, ways to communicate effectively, and much more. What they don’t realize is that deaf people can indeed return the favor. For instance, one could say that the majority of deaf people acquitted their knowledge of sign language from a hearing teacher. There are times where, after being taught, deaf people would give their teachers little cues that allow them to communicate with them more effectively. Helen E. Meador, in her article, tells of several encounters with deaf students. In one of her many experiences, she explains how she learned to sign what she means in order ensure that her students understood what she meant, not what she signed. In one of her classes, for example, she was reading them a book and upon completion, asked them to close their books and to her amazement, they didn’t. When inquiring why they didn’t do as told, one of her students told her that she didn’t say it like she meant it, since her eyebrows weren’t raised. This clearly showed that the deaf not only relied on signs to communicate, but also facial expression. After this incident she learned to use more facial expression to ensure that her students understood what she meant while she communicates with them. In another encounter, Meador learned to be creative with her signing. In one of her reading classes, after completing a short story, she asked the class their opinion of the story. One student replied, â€Å"2-4-8†. Puzzled, Meador asked the student what she meant and the student told her that it simply meant, â€Å"very interesting†. That day, Meador learned to use sign language at a different level. One of the many things Meador learned from the deaf was language tolerance. In one situation a deaf student taught her the visual mode of communication. She tells of a teacher who experienced a communicat...
Friday, November 22, 2019
America from 1790 to 1845 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
America from 1790 to 1845 - Essay Example The work force consisted of former slaves who had been freed, Native Americans and Irish immigrants from New York who had come in search of jobs at a salary of $12 per month. A densely forested pass in the Appalachian mountains was cut through using instruments like the axe and the shovel. The engineers and workers constructed locks, and by-passed waterfalls. After the canal was opened for traffic, many cities sprang up on its banks. It facilitated trade between the East and the West. The young nation became a well knit nation because of the canal According to the author,.if the canal had not been built during that time, the western states of the United States might have formed a separate nation. The story of the Erie canal is very inspiring, and the engineers and workmen who achieved it in spite of many hardships are praiseworthy. I do not agree with the author that the West would have become a separate nation if the canal had not been built at that time.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
No Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
No - Assignment Example Furthermore, the crux of the matter, as the authors relate it, hinges upon the differential that is noticed between the aforementioned â€Å"real option†as compared to the â€Å"discounted cash flow†. Regardless of the causal mechanisms, the authors argue that understanding EC as a function of behavior and what triggers it are key concerns for the operations and decision making structures that many organizations and individuals employ on a daily basis. Methods The methodology that the study employed was concentric upon a group of 80 financial managers which were drawn from a diverse group of companies. For purposes of the study, the participants were all graduates in either accounting or management. As a means to insure that the participants all had a modicum of experience, the participants were only selected from those which had a minimum average experience of around 7 years on the job. As a means of answering the questions associated with the research questions, the researchers distributed among these 80 participants a questionnaire which was divided into 3 separate and distinct subsections. The first section introduced the research and required the participants to give their general information; to include age, sex, degree, field of expertise etc. Likewise, the second part was divided into two subsections of its own. The first of these subsections offered a brief explanation of the capital budgeting methods (real option or net present value). The second subsection elaborated upon how the former were calculated; giving examples and showing the methodology/formulation. Similarly, the third section consisted of three subsections of its own. The first of these subsections helped to describe the hypothetical project to the participants as a way of seeking to gain shareholder buy in. The second subsection sought to obtain a quantitative measurement based upon the first with respect to whether they would seek to abandon or salvage a given project on a scale of 0-100 (Karimi et al 478). Likewise the third subsection required the participants to answer 9 multiple choice questions with a 0-5 rating concerning their hypothetical choices that have been previously determined within the other sections. Description Although previous studies have worked to show that the use of real option methods for the purpose of evaluation tend to yield better results, the hypothesis that were tested within this study helped to reflect a slightly different result. This is no doubt due in part to the participants which were involved. Whereas previous studies have relied almost exclusively on university students in order to populate their studies, this particular study relied exclusively on those that have spent an average of 7 years within the industry and likely this factor more than any other has helped to differentiate the results that were seen. This helps to necessarily present the researcher with a clear and unavoidable juxtaposition of actual r eal-world experience that has helped to inform the research question. Evaluation I found this project to be contextually interesting but the research model and statistical generation that were reported could have been much better written as a way to engage the reader/researcher with the findings
Monday, November 18, 2019
Ethics in the workplace Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Ethics in the workplace - Coursework Example The Pregnancy Discrimination Act, however, protects women from discrimination during their pregnancy, a time at which their output can be limited (Niles, 2013). Americans with Disability Act (1990) and Rehabilitation Act (1973) are the most important labor laws to the disabled employee. Provisions of the rehabilitation act seek to ensure that employees with disabilities, and who work in specific category or organizations, access healthcare facilities form their employer. The Americans with Disability Act, however, ensures reasonable treatment of disabled employees (Niles, 2013). Civil Rights Act (1964) is the most important labor law to the African American because among other provisions, the law protects people against race-based discrimination during hiring and during employment (Niles, 2013). The Civil Rights Act (1964) is also the most important legislation to the Muslim employee who may be susceptible to religion-based discrimination that could occur during hiring and during employment (Niles,
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Impact of the Islamic Invasion on Spain
Impact of the Islamic Invasion on Spain The history of Spain reflects the effect of certain cultures and religions on Spanish population, language, traditions and style of life. In the Middle Ages (about 411 AD) Spain was occupied by the German tribes and further the country was conquered by the Visigoths (416 AD) (Collins, 1995). However, the aim of this essay is to analyse the impact of the Islamic invasion on Spain, as the Muslims has had a considerable effect on the country up to the present day. In 711-714 the Umayyad dynasty seized the Spanish area near Cordoba (Rahman, 1989); forty years later Abd al-Rahman I created an Umayyad Emirate. But it was in the tenth century under the ruling of Abd al-Rahman III (912-961) that the Muslims managed to intensify Spains prosperity and wealth (Goodwin, 1990). Abdal-Rahman III united some areas of al-Andalus and improved military, tax and law systems. In the eleventh century the Emirate was divided into several kingdoms with unique cultures and traditions. After the decay of the Umayyad dynasty, other Islamic dynasties took control over Spain, such as the Almoravides, the Almohades and the Nasrids (Taha, 1989). At the end of the fifteenth century the Christian rulers seized the power in Granada and put an end to the Muslim ruling. Other Spanish places, such as Seville and Cordoba, were liberated from the Muslims by Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile in the thirteenth century. But the Islamic influence has preserved in Spain till nowadays, though Isabella made everything to destroy Islam and eradicate any traces of the Muslims. The Islamic invasion positively affected many areas of life in Spain, such as culture, education, religion, economics, science, society and family. Al-Andalus, as the Muslims called Spain, had acquired the central position among other civilizations of the ancient world since the conquest of Cordoba by the Umayyad dynasty (Chejne, 1974). In particular, the Muslims created about two thousand public baths and mosques for different social groups and implemented some schools for poor children in Cordoba. Although some Spanish regions opposed the Muslim ruling, industry and trade were considerably advanced by the Umayyads (Harvey, 1990). Spanish libraries contained more than 400,000 books and the streets of Cordoba were illuminated, unlike such European capitals as Paris and London. As Hillenbrand (1999) puts it, Cordobain its prime had no peer in Europe for the amenities of civilized life. Its houses were bountifully supplied with hot and cold running water, its streets were lit at night (p.175). Different religious groups, such as Christians, Muslims and Jews, successfully interacted with each other. According to Ghazanfar (2004), there existed no separation between science, wisdom, and faith; nor was East separated from the West, nor the Muslim from the Jew or the Christian (p.2). Such religious tolerance can be explained by the fact that the Muslims did not act as oppressors, but, instead, they tried to improve the living conditions of all social classes in Spain. As a result, Christians and Jews occupied the leading positions during the Muslim ruling (Hopfe, 1998). This peaceful co-existence of three religions had continued till the fifteenth century (Thomson, 1989), contributing to many aspects of life in Spain. For instance, in the eleventh century Arabic language was utilised in Spanish science and literature, while Spaniards began to learn the Muslims language to acquaint with Arabic writings (Shubert, 1992). Some Christians and Jews borrowed Arabic culture and religion, gradually transforming into Mozarabs, people who were Arabized (Watt, 1965). Many illiterate Spanish people learned to read and write, calculate and navigate (Houston, 1964). As the Muslims preserved some Roman and Greek literary works, Spanish Christians served as translators for these crucial manuscripts. Architecture, philosophy, mathematics and other sciences also prospered under the ruling of the Umayyad dynasty due to their belief in Allah and the laws of the Quran, the holy book of the Muslims that accentuated the power of knowledge (Fakhry, 1983). As the Muslims made attempts to understand God, they also tried to uncover the truth about human nature by conducting different researches and scientific investigations (Saud, 1994). For instance, the Muslims substituted the Roman number system existed in Spain for the Arabic number system that has been widely utilised in algebra, arithmetic and business since then. In addition, astronomy, medicine, biology and chemistry began to thrive in Spain after the Islamic invasion (Lewis, 1993). Among the most famous Spanish philosophers, writers, artists and scientists of the Muslim era are Al-Kwarizmi, Ibn Rushd, Ibn Zuhr, Al-Razi and Ibn Sina (Chejne, 1974). Ibn Sinas medical treatise Al-Qanun had been studied in many European educational establishments for about three hundred years and had been regarded as one of the best medical works (Vernet, 1992). One of the greatest Muslim scholars of Spain was Abu Zakariyah al-Awwam Ishibili who created a procedure of grafting and gave names to more than five hundred plants (Ghazanfar, 2004). Pedro Alfonzo, a Spanish Muslim scholar who was interested in astronomy, claimed that his wish was to raise once more to life the knowledge of that science which is in such a deplorable state among those educated in the Latin manner (Hermes, 1977, p.72). Due to such an advanced stage of scientific development, many European scientists arrived to Spain to receive knowledge in various sciences and to interpret Latin texts. In regard to economics, the Muslims created the silk industry in Al-Andalus, gradually transforming Spain into one of the largest countries for silk production. The country was also engaged in the production of satin, cotton, pepper, furs, clocks, paper, maps and soaps. Further Spain contributed to the fine fabrics manufacturing in Europe. Agriculture was poorly developed in Spain becau se of a primordial irrigation system (White, 1970; Semple, 1971); but the Muslims substituted this old system for a new improved irrigation method that resulted in the prosperity of orchards and the increase of rice crops in such areas as Granada and the Valenican huerta (Dickie, 1968). The Muslims utilised the method of Syrianization to improve agriculture of Spanish towns, especially Valencia and Seville (Burns, 1973). The new system allowed Spaniards to intensify crops with the help of artificial water supply (Smith, 1966, p.442). Up to the present day this irrigation system has been controlled by an old Muslim tribunal (Tribunal of the Waters); today this Tribunal is held once a week and is aimed at solving disputable agricultural issues. Due to these improvements, Spanish people began to cultivate various plants and trees, such as oranges, lemons, artichokes, apricots, olive and implemented an advanced system of nature protection (Imamuddin, 1965, p.84). Before the Islamic invasion, Spanish grew winter crops, but the Muslims managed to implement Indian crops that were grown in a frost-free season. As a result, many Arabic words were introduced in Spanish language to reflect different aspects of the irrigation system; for instance, alberca-al-birka means a pool and acequia-al-saqiya means an irrigation ditch. Nowadays some flowers bear the Arabic names, such asbellota-balluta for acorn, alazor-al-asfur for safflower and al-fasfasa foralfalfa. Other words reflect the impact of the Muslims on farming: tahona-tahuna (flour-mill), aldea-al-days (village), and rabadan-rabb al-dan (head-shepherd). As the Muslims were obsessed with nature, they utilised their artistic skills to create splendid gardens and buildings that have attracted attention of people till nowadays (Blair Bloom, 1994). Such unusual places as the Alhambra of Granda, the Mosque of Cordoba and the Alcazar of Seville are the visual legacy of the Muslims in Spain (Barrucand Bednorz,1992; Ettinghausen Grabar, 1987). These splendid architectural buildings clearly reveal the Muslims innovations in the fields of architectural design and style(King, 1978; Grabar, 1978; Rodriguez, 1992). Unfortunately, almost all Islamic architectural monuments were destroyed at the end of the fifteenth century; only the Alhambra remained undamaged (Fletcher, 1987). Many famous writers and artists depicted the Alhambra in their works (Ching, 1979). For instance, Washington Irving created Tales of the Alhambra when he visited this place in Spain. Despite the destruction of many Islamic buildings (Barrucand Bednorz, 1992), a new Islamic mosque for Spanish Muslims hasbeen recently built in Granada as a result of Islam renewal in 1989. The Muslims are able to pray in the mosque and receive education in such sciences as medicine and law. Today the number of the Muslims in Spain approaches to onemillion people who strongly defend their rights and their faith. Some Spanish Muslims continue to live in the Albaican quarter in Granada, where the Muslims lived in the 10-15 centuries. However, the tensions between Spanish Muslims and Spanish Christians are rather complicated, although Spa nish government realises that it is crucial to improve the relations between these two religious groups. Analysing the impact of the Islamic invasion on the history of Spain, the essay suggests that the Muslims considerably affected such areas of Spanish life as economics, culture, science, architecture, art and religion. They managed to improve the countrys agriculture and manufacturing, contributing to its prosperity and wealth; they implemented many advanced systems based on scientific findings, especially Arabic number system of calculation, the illumination system and the irrigation method. The Muslims transferred their knowledge in medicine, algebra, chemistry, astronomy, architecture, art, nature and technology to Spanish people who further imparted these valuable data to other European countries. Thus, the Islamic invasion on Spain paved the way for the period of Renaissance in Europe; as Ghazanfar (2004) puts it, Muslims not only occupied Spain but planted the roots of European Renaissance through unparalleled transfer of knowledge in almost every field known (p.11). Today the Islamic influence is especially obvious in many Spanish words that reflect the Arabic roots, as well as in architectural monuments, literature, sciences, legal laws and cultural traditions. Although Islam was officially renewed in Spain at the end of the twentieth century, the Muslims continue to experience serious racial prejudices from the side of Spanish Christians.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Excellence in Education :: essays research papers
The concept of excellence in education is one that, on the surface, seems to be unquestionable. After all, who would not accede that students within our schools should, in fact, excel? Certainly teachers, parents, and administrators can agree on excellence as an aim to shoot for. The interpretation of the term "excellence" is, however, less obvious. How do we regard excellence? Is it the college bound student with a broad liberal arts education? Is it the student who graduates high school trained in a specific trade? Many in the field of education cannot come to an agreement on how our schools can best achieve excellence for and from our students. One of the many authorities who have contributed a model for what schools should be is Robert L. Ebel. According to Ebel, knowledge is the single most significant and most important goal in the education of children. In his article "What are schools for?" Ebel answers "that schools are for learning, and that what ought to be learned mostly is useful knowledge" (3). He builds this declaration in answer to trends in education that focus upon other aspects of learning in schools. Ebel states in the beginning of his article, that he does not assume schools should be social research agencies, recreational facilities, adjustment centers, or custodial institutions. (3). While he does not deny that our nation is currently wrestling with a dreary array of social ailments, he does argue that the answer to such problems can or should lie within the jurisdiction of our schools. In discussing education’s mission to provide useful knowledge, Ebel defines what he means by the word knowledge: "It is an integrated structure of relationships among concepts and propositions" (5). Knowledge, the way Ebel describes it is not the same as information. Ebel states that "knowledge is built out of information by thinking". Knowledge, according to Ebel, must be constructed from information by each individual learner; it cannot be looked up, or given to students by a parent or teacher. " A student must earn the right to say ‘I know’ by his own thoughtful efforts to understand" (Ebel, 5). The intellectual proficiencies many educators hope to teach are, like information, essentially useless to Ebel without a knowledge base on which to draw from. Ebel feels that a good teacher can "motivate, direct, and assist the learning process to great advantage". Although Ebel feels that good teachers are essential to providing a "favorable learning environment," he puts much of the accountability for learning on the students themselves. Ebel feels that teachers are there to facilitate students in their learning, not to coerce those who are indifferent and unmotivated and do not wish to learn, against their will.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Atlantic Computers Case Analysis Essay
1. Stick with company tradition by charging only for hardware and give the PESA software tool away for free. As can be seen in Exhibit 2, there is a noticeable difference between basic servers running with and without the PESA software. This difference would cater directly to those customers in the file-sharing application and web-server segments of the market. Currently, as the Tronn would be competing directly with the rival company’s Zink server, which is priced at $1,700 as opposed to the Tronn’s $2,000, customer’s would assume that the Zink is better value as it costs less, despite the fact that the price shows a 40% mark-up over Tronn’s 30% mark-up. By offering the PESA software tool as part of the overall package, Tronn could add a value advantage over Zink, as they do not offer a software tool which enhances the performance of the server. However, as aforementioned, the customers using the basic servers would benefit most from the PESA software, rather than the high-performance servers. According to Exhibit 1, the majority of units sold are those of the high-performance servers. 2. Charge a price equal to what the customer would pay for four Ontario Zink servers. The case states that Ontario’s Zink servers dominate the basic server segment, and therefore the introduction of the Tronn server would mean that the two companies would be competing directly against one another. Further, Ontario holds a supply-chain advantage over Atlantic, in that they ensure that their products are widely available to all consumers, e.g. the majority of their sales are generated online. However, when loaded with the PESA software, Tronn’s servers run at an efficiency of 4 times faster than their standard speed. The option suggests that the Tronn, when loaded with the PESA software, should be valued at four times as much as the Zink server, as it would be performing at the same standard. This would price the Tronn at $6,800. While a price this high would indeed generate revenue, it must be considered that the Tronn is a new product entering the market. Without appropriate marketing, the consumer would be unaware of the benefits of using the Tronn and thus would opt for the much cheaper option, Zink. This strategy is called skimming. In order to be successful, Atlantic would have to ensure that consumers are aware of the significant product differentiation between the Tronn and the Zink servers (i.e. The PESA software). 3. Charge a price based on a cost-plus approach to pricing PESA (based on software tool’s development costs). As stated above, the cost-plus approach is Atlantic’s standard pricing strategy. In the case, Atlantic is said to have production restraints and therefore will only be able to produce a certain number of Tronn servers in the near term. For example, if Atlantic can sell all of its projected units in the first three years, they are looking at selling 212,000 units in total. In the first year, the percentage of market share rises by 4%, meaning that the total number of Tronn servers sold was 2,000. In the second year, the percentage rises by 9%, giving a total of 6,300 servers sold. In the third year, this raises to 14% and 12,880 servers sold. Of these 21,180 servers, assume that only half are loaded with PESA software, giving us 10,590 servers with the software in total over the three years. The development costs of the PESA software totalled $2,000,000,000. In order to cover the development costs of the software in the first three years, Atlantic would have to price the software at $189. If we assume the Tronn server without the software costs $1,538 to produce, and the PESA is to be included in the sales price, we are looking at a $1,727 production cost. Adding a mark-up of 30%, the sales price of the Tronn and PESA (Atlantic bundle) would be $2,245.10. 4. Charge a price based on value-in-pricing. In order to calculate a total savings price, it is necessary to determine the calculations of a few other items. Also, in these calculations, we will assume that the Tronn server is valued at $2,000. Firstly, considering that one Tronn server loaded with the PESA software is performs to the same standard as four Zink servers, it can be said that a saving of $1,600 per annum can be had by purchasing just one Tronn as opposed to 4 Zink servers. Secondly, annual electricity savings are equal to $250. Third, the cost of application software licenses is equal to $750 per year. Finally, if a server administrator earns $80,000 per year and the number of servers one can manage is 40, labour cost savings are $2,000 per year. The total savings can be added to achieve $4,600 per year. In a quick summary of the above, the following can be noted: * In Option 1, the price of the Tronn and PESA software tool would be $2,000. * In Option 2, the price of the Tronn and PESA software tool would be $6,800. * In Option 3, the price of the Tronn and PESA software tool would be $2,245.10. * In Option 4, the savings of purchasing the Tronn and PESA software tool would be $4,600. I believe that Option 1 would not be an intelligent strategy for Jowers to use. Without charging for the PESA software, the company will find themselves struggling to pay off the costs of developing the tool in the first place. This means they would have to sell more units in the first three years than what they originally projected, giving the company unrealistic sales assumptions and in my opinion, they would ultimately suffer profit losses. I also consider Option 2 to be a bad choice of strategy. While one Tronn server, in conjunction with the PESA tool can indeed perform to the power of four Zink servers, it would be foolish to price the Tronn at the equivalent of this. A price of $6,800 for just one server is too much for a consumer to consider paying, especially for a product that is new into an already established market. Serious marketing and clear differentiation would be required to ensure the success of this strategy, both of which can be very time-consuming and costly. While Option 4 shows a significant number in savings, I would recommend that Option 3, the cost-plus pricing strategy be used in launching the Atlantic Bundle into the basic-server consumer market. As stated in the case, Atlantic Computers is already a strong player in the high performance servers segment, but due to the consistent growth of the internet, the new market of basic servers is emerging. Jowers discovered that one of the main reasons that Atlantic succeeded in the high performance severs market was by product differentiation. This is a large factor in the Tronn’s appeal to the basic server segment, as it also comes with the PESA software tool, something that Zink computers does not have. However, Ontario Computers competes mainly on price, due to the fact that they are able to sell their products online and therefore cut costs in other areas. Despite this, I believe that with Atlantic emerging into the market with a superior product, they will be able to compete successfully. According to Atlantic Computers general consensus, they do not usually charge extra for software tools. However, the importance of the PESA tool must be made known to the sales force. Firstly, without charging extra for the tool, the company will struggle to generate enough revenue in the first three years to pay of the development costs of the product. Furthermore, Jowers followed the status quo and used cost-plus pricing to determine the value of the software, and after adding that cost onto the production costs of the Tronn itself and also adding a 30% mark-up, the total bundle only cost $245.10 more than the Tronn would cost on its own. Emphasis should also be put on the fact that one Tronn server loaded with the PESA software tool, which was valued at $2,245.10, performed to the equivalency of four basic Zink servers, which in total would be valued at $6,800. This shows a $4554.90 saving for customers who choose to purchase the Atlantic Bundle over the required four Zink servers for the same performance. With Jowers given the opportunity to talk with prospective buyers at the trade show, he will also have the chance to explain the features and benefits of purchasing the Atlantic Bundle himself as well as obtaining firsthand consumer feedback on the products. According to the case, the CEO of Ontario Computers states, â€Å"Our business model is not to be the leading innovator on product technology. Rather, our business model is to provide leading technology to customers via the most flexible and innovative supply chain strategy possible†. The company achieved this by managing to cut their costs through distributing their products online and thus were able to offer their product for a much cheaper price than Atlantic Computers. In retaliation to the introduction of the Tronn in the market, Ontario Computer will most likely continue to base their business model on operational excellence and continue to search for ways to compete on price. Another consequence could be the company developing a software tool of their own to compete directly with the PESA tool. If this was to happen, it could pose a threat to Atlantic Computers in that Ontario would still most likely be capable of competing on price, giving them the competitive advantage. However, if Atlantic manages to establish their brand before their competition gets a chance to retaliate, they should have no problem holding onto their market share and consumer segment.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Baroque Agead
Tu se’ morta is a piece sung by Orpheus accompanied by a basso continuo after he is told of Eurydice’s death. Orpheus wants to bring her back from Hell as he offers a distressed goodbye to the earth, sky and sun. The style of singing is simple and intended to bring a dramatic delivery to the audience. The vocal line is rhythmically free and the phrases are more irregular. The song is flexible because it is suggesting a sad and passionate farewell to the person he loves. To express this farewell, the song reaches the climax several different times and then drops away.Dido’s Lament is also accompanied by a basso continuo and has a mournful setting as well. The song opens with a descending chromatic line, the ground bass, which is repeated eleven different times throughout the piece. Dido repeats â€Å"Remember Me†several times as well also reaches the highest note of the aria. The dynamics were constant and not notated and the tempi were slow and constant. The woman who sang the song portrays a haunting and sorrowful mood for the listener. The song comes to a conclusion with a descending violin melody which expresses the tragedy.There are several similarities in these pieces. One of the main similarities is that both songs give the listener a haunting, sorrowful, distressed and sad feeling. Although one song is expressing the sorrow of a loved one’s death and the other is expressing the tragedy of one’s fate; they both put off a sad vibe. They both at one point or another reach a climax and then drop, which keeps the listener entertained and interested in the song. Tu se’ morta and Dido’s Lament are both accompanied by a basso continuo.Last but not least, the texture of both of these pieces is homophonic. The main difference, in my opinion, is how different they sound from one another because one is sung by a female and the other by a male. The deep, powerful voice of Orpheus as he sung Tu se’ morta compared to the high, thrill voice of the female who sung Dido’s Lament puts a whole new outlook on the songs. Even though both songs give a haunting feeling to the listener just the fact that one is a female and the other is male changed the mood slightly.In my opinion, it is hard to point out many differences. All in all, both pieces were interesting. The intensity of both Tu Se’ Morta and Dido’s Lament were compelling and put the listener in the exact mood that they were portraying. Haunting, sorrowful, sad and depressed was the mood I felt after listening to both. Personally, Dido’s Lament was my favorite out of the two. Her chromatic notes which created tension and stress kept the song fascinating and the want to hear more. In conclusion, both pieces were wonderful, but Dido’ Lament was absolutely amazing to the ears!
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Television essay Essays
Television essay Essays Television essay Essay Television essay Essay Television has a big Influence on how everybody perceives themselves. We can relate to what we see In TV such as romance, career and family. One In particular however contradicts their name Modern Family, which comes on BBC channel. Modern Family portrays an example of the mythical norm of a traditional family, gender stereotyping and how gender affects social ranking. Characters from Modern Family challenge the patriarchal society while other are still subordinated to it. Modern Family debuted on September 2009. It centers around three different families, Jay and his children Mitchell and Claire. Jay is married to Gloria who is from Columbia and are raising two children together. His son Mitchell who is in a gay relationship with his partner Cameron, adopting a Vietnamese baby. Jays daughter Claire is a house wife who provides structure to the home, whereas Phil her husband provides for the household. The social hierarchy ranking system is based on how society assigns a group whether the person Is privileged or oppressed based on the differences. The book Womens Voices defines privilege as advantages people have by virtue of their status or position In society (61 Based on the characters roles all the husbands are reviled because they are white and males. All of the wives have some privileges because of their husbands making them upper class, but are also somewhat oppressed since they are women. Mitchell and Cameron fall under the male privileges but are oppressed because they are gay. Homosexuality and female gender have always been groups easily discriminated by society. Likewise to the hierarchy privileges of each character, sexism still goes unnoticed by most viewers. Gender stereotypes are presented throughout the Modern Family series. The women on the show are seen as unintelligent and emotional. One example of gender stereotype Is found In the episode A Hard Jays Night Phil Is helping Gloria sell an old apartment she lived In before she met Jay, while waiting for a client they decide to visit an old hair salon Gloria used to work In and volunteer to help. Gloria states that she had forgotten how exhausting It was working at a hair salon, since she Is now a house wife. She confesses to Phil that she feel afraid of selling the old apartment because she used to provide for herself and now it was Jay providing for her. By being young, attractive and in some cases of Hispanic origin, Gloria displays he characteristic of a gold digger. A gold digger is a person getting involved romantically with someone wealthy. Being that Jay is a wealthy person with a big house and a business his own. Gloria usually speaks about suffering poverty while growing up, and has easily adapted to living an upper class life style. Another example of gender stereotype is Phil Dungy who is considered as the head of the household because he Is the man of the house, while Claire stays at home and cares for the kids. 80 percent of single-parent households are headed by women, but on sitcoms, half of them are headed by men (Highlighting et al. . These types of stereo types reinforce patriarchy by defining the wives roles primarily as the frankly caregiver and the husbands as the providers. In addition to the sexism found in all Cameron. Mitchell tends to be more of the provider of the household whereas Cameron has a caregiver role who helps maintain the home. Cameron displays feminine traits, which influence him in to appear as the women of the family. This stereotype effects heterosexual males and females. Bernard Whitley points out in his essay that, Evidence that this belief system is tied to heterosexuals perceptions of Sabine and gay men comes from demonstrations that men who are described as having feminine characteristics are Judged likely to be gay whereas women described as having masculine characteristics are Judged likely to be lesbians (692). The show not only misleads family structure but also encourages traditional gender roles and stereotype of women. In conclusion, Modern Family is Just like any other television show made up to entertain us. Yet it also gives us an idea on how people are defined by their gender or sexual orientation. Modern Family is not the only show that entities to oppress subordinate groups of people. However, it helps to influence the colonization that molds the viewers perception and morals to continue the oppression of these subordinate groups.
Monday, November 4, 2019
America History19th Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
America History19th - Essay Example However, in ‘The Yellow Wallflower’ the author has provided a scenario which indicates the dominance of men over women in the second half of nineteenth century. Both these literary works give a contradicting view of the gender roles in the society. The ‘Hospital Sketches’ is a short account of the experiences of a woman who worked as a nurse during the Civil War. The story starts with a woman who is trying to figure out what she wants to do in her life. After turning down a number of suggestions like; teaching, writing a book, acting and getting, she finally determines to nurse the soldiers in the Civil War. This starting of the story suggests the freedom of the women to choose what they want to do in their life. The setting of the story also suggests that the decisions of the women were also encouraged. The author is strong supporter of female equality. In her journey to become a nurse, she is helped by a number of gentlemen. The story further provides the account of the author regarding learning how to nurse and the difficulties faced by the author in the process. Throughout the story, the author provides an indication of the importance of women in the society. ... Thus, the author defines the roles of gender in the society by providing a convincing example. Since the author supports female equality, she has provided a convincing example of how men and women can work together in society for better results. However, ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ is a story of a woman who is compelled to be confined within the bounds of a room and ultimately the psychological impacts of such confinement on the woman. The story provides a completely contradicting account of the gender roles in the second half of the nineteenth century when it is compared to the ‘Hospital Sketches’. The author tells the story in first-person perspective and she has written it in the style of journal entries. The story starts when a family goes to a colonial mansion for the summer and the woman who tells the story is confined in a room upstairs. Throughout the summer, she remains confined in that room with nothing to stimulate any of her feelings. The story provid es a gradual account of the woman’s descent into madness. With nothing else to interact with, the woman finds interest in the yellow wallpaper of the room. She finds it unnaturally intriguing. She closely inspects the pattern of the wallpaper and she perceives it to be more than ordinary wallpaper. The woman obsessively describes the wallpaper and claims that it has a unique â€Å"yellow†smell. After observing the wallpaper for days, she perceives a figure trapped in the wallpaper. She thinks that there is woman trapped in the wallpaper and in order to free her, she starts removing the paper off the wall. From a critical perspective, it can be said that the author is trying to represent the women
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Business law, English leagal system, Contract law Essay
Business law, English leagal system, Contract law - Essay Example In the first scenario, it can be noted that The English National Operetta Company entered into a contract with Costumes R Us for the purchase of theatre costumes which were to be made according to designs supplied by the English National Operetta Company. All terms were agreed and the initial deposit was paid where the remaining balance will be paid upon delivery of the goods. Unfortunately, the premises of Costumes R Us were destroyed by fire before the delivery day. By any standard, this scenario represents a typical contract explained in the definition above. This type of contract involves the sale of goods and is governed by the Sale of Goods Act of 1979. Gibson (1988) suggests that the seller has a duty to deliver the goods purchased upon payment and the buyer has a duty to pay for the goods where ownership can be exchanged. The S.2(1) of The Sale of Goods Act 1979 concurs with this assertion and goes on to define a contract for the sale of goods as: ‘A contract by which a seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property (ownership) in goods to a buyer for a money consideration called the price.’ The contracting partners in this case are bound by certain conditions which are very important to the contract so as to protect the victim in the event of breach of contract which entitles him to repudiate and sue for damages. From this given scenario, it can be noted that there is a valid contract between English National Operetta Company and Costumes R Us. Legally, English National Operetta Company is entitled to claim for its refund of the amount paid following the failure by Costumes R Us to deliver the consignment before the date. Though it may be argued that this is a breach of a contract, it can be noted that to a greater extent, this scenario was a result of circumstances that were beyond the control of the suppliers of the costumes. Their premises were gutted by fire which was caused by the children playing so it would be unfair to lay the blame on them. This unfortunate incidence is what is normally called frustration of contract. Macintyre (2010) posits to the effect that the result of an event which occurs after offer and acceptance (the agreement) which prevents performance being carried out and which, as a consequence will terminate the contract legally with no risk to either party to be sued for breach. In this scenario, it will be unfair to say that Costumes R Us has breached a contract given that that the frustrating event involving the outbreak of fire is not the fault or a result of the actions of this organisation in question. It becomes impossible for the other party to fulfil their duty in the event of destruction of the subject matter of the contract for example Taylor v. Caldwell (1863). In such a situation, it is assumed that the contract has been cancelled naturally. Against this background, it is therefore advisable to English National Operetta Company not to sue this company for damages given that there will be likely chances that they will lose the case. It is the duty of the court of law to weigh the circumstances surrounding the frustration of the contract and come with an informed decision hence the chances of winning this case are very few. However, it is advisable that English National
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