Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Artificial Intelligence Essay - 1019 Words
Artificial Intelligence Introduction Today, people are interacting more and more with computers. Life is running at a microchip speed. If all computers are stopped for a day, complete civilization comes to a halt! Fifty years ago, this mightve been a science fiction, but today it is a reality. Further, with Computers being embedded in all of our life accessories like mobiles, watches, cars, even our bodies and brains there is no indication that this microchip speed will not be multiplied in the future. Over the last decade, these electronic tiny minuscule signals have fundamentally revolutionized the way we live. People are spending more hours per day with machines than humans. An amazing†¦show more content†¦Internet is converging all the specialized fields or colors of knowledge into one bright light. The avalanche of new users getting online is still growing. People from all across the planet are spending more and more hours surfing the net, especially in chat rooms, use net groups and bulletin boards. Chat Servers are the unique platform where interactivity the intelligence and interactivity of humans and machines coincides. There have been some heroic individual efforts to realize chat bots, which would talk and behave like humans. If this is any indication of peoples openness to talking and sharing emotions through and with machines, then we are seeing the tip of the emotional machine iceberg What is Artificial Intelligence? Definition... Artificial Intelligence is a branch of Science, which deals with helping machines, finds solutions to complex problems in a more human-like fashion. This generally involves borrowing characteristics from human intelligence, and applying them as algorithms in a computer friendly way. A more or less flexible or efficient approach can be taken depending on the requirements established, which influences how artificial the intelligent behavior appears. AI is generally associated with Computer Science, but it has many important links with other fields such as Maths, Psychology,Show MoreRelatedArtificial Intelligence1237 Words  | 5 PagesWhat is artificial intelligence? Should humanity be concerned? There are many interpretations of Artificial intelligence. Merriam Webster’s online dictionary defines artificial intelligence as â€Å"A branch of computer science, dealing with the simulation of intelligent behaviour, in computers or the capability of a machine, to imitate intelligent human behaviour†(Artificial Intelligence, 1828). With technology continually progressing and embedding itself into today’s population, from Siri on iPhoneRead MoreHuman Intelligence And Artificial Intelligence1545 Words  | 7 Pagesconsensus on what human intelligence is, how it works, and how it is formed. There are several different theories as to what intelligence is, and there is no concrete explanation of intelligence. Despite these uncertainties, many have proposed the idea modeling human intelligence and creating artificial intelligence. Many see artificial intelligence as a way to bypass human error and to improve jobs by completing them faster and more accurately. They argue that artificial intelligence can be based onRead MoreHuman Intelligence And Artificial Intelligence1233 Words  | 5 Pagesmentally, as this interaction was at an all-time high, we came up with intelligence. Intelligence has fascinated man since the dawn of time, and lead man to create one of the greatest innovations that rivaled human intelligence: artificial intelligence. The competition between human intelligence and artificial intelligence ultimately leads to the battle of nature and science. Eventually these two forms of intelligence, human and artificial, must coincide and it must be understood how each would interactRead MoreArtificial Intelligence And Human Intelligence3752 Words  | 16 PagesARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Name Mohammed Warsame Institutional Affiliation 26th January, 2015 â€Æ' Table of Contents Artificial Intelligence 3 Abstract 3 Project Outline 4 Introduction 5 Factors that inhibit a human from executing the rational decision 6 Soft Computing Domains Inspired by Biology 8 Soft Computing 8 Artificial Neural Network 9 Genetic Computing and Evolutionary Computing 10 Emotions and Artificial Intelligence 12 Neural Network Inheritance 12 Is there need to Inherit the Entirety of theRead MoreBenefits Of Artificial Intelligence761 Words  | 4 PagesArtificial Intelligence, more commonly referred to by its abbreviations AI, is defined as intelligence displayed by machines rather than humans. Its aptitudes include successfully recognising and comprehending human speech, computing simulations and analysing an immense amount of elaborate data. As there is limitless potential for this technology, there is a lot of research currently underway to develop AI with the ability to outperform humans at virtually every cognitive task, rather than specificRead MoreDisadvantages Of Artificial Intelligence1587 Words  | 7 PagesIntroductions Artificial Intelligence is felt almost everywhere. It is influence basically alters people’s lives, by the technology based applications that is embedded in machines that enhances people’s day to day activity. It is seen and experienced in different institutions, be it public or private, small entity and global. AI, or artificial intelligence, is the automation of human processes by means of machine learning, often done by computer systems. These processes include the acquisition ofRead MoreDisadvantages Of Artificial Intelligence1603 Words  | 7 PagesArtificial Intelligence Introduction Artificial intelligence is the study and development of enabling computer and machine technology to learn, simulate intelligence, use logic, and perform tasks that are typically performed by humans. Artificial intelligence is an area of research that has been prone to controversy. Researchers are conflicted in regards to whether artificial intelligence is beneficial. Some believe that it will help solve many societal issues, others fear that it will cause furtherRead MoreDisadvantages Of Artificial Intelligence909 Words  | 4 Pagesconstantly changing lives easier. However, as we advance in society, controversies start up on the right and wrongs of how our mechanics or robots develop, specifically Artificial Intelligence robots. Artificial intelligence is the ability to understand how to control motion and responses based upon experience. Artificial intelligence in robots are based on human traits such as reasoning, knowledge, planning, learning, communication, perception, and movement and manipulation of objects.As of now, ourRead MoreDualism and Artificial Intelligence1235 Words  | 5 Pagestangible and can be recreated according to Turing. Turing, a physicalist, believed that artificial intelligence could be achieved in the future. Turing argued that the mind was merely due to the physical aspects of the brain and so a machine could one day be created that has a mind of its own, i.e. artificial intelligence. He created a test called the Turing Test to determine whether a machine has artificial intelligence. In the Turing Test, an interrogator asks two subjects a series of questions. OneRead MoreEssay On Artificial Intelligence1515 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction I chose Artificial Intelligence since I believe that it is extremely intriguing and important in the field of Information Technology. Artificial Intelligence is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. AI is usually defined as the capability of a computer program to perform tasks or reasoning processes that we associate
Monday, December 23, 2019
Busn 420 Entire Course Business Law †Devry Essay
BUSN 420 Entire Course Business Law – Devry To Buy this Class Copy paste below link in your Brower http://homeworklance.com/downloads/busn-420-entire-course-business-law-devry/ Or Visit Our Website Visit : http://homeworklance.com Email Us : lancehomework@gmail.com BUSN 420 Entire Course Business Law – Devry USN 420 Week 1 Assignment BUSN 420 Week 1 Quiz BUSN 420 Week 2 Assignment BUSN 420 Week 2 Quiz BUSN 420 Week 3 Assignment BUSN 420 Week 3 Quiz BUSN 420 Week 4 Assignment BUSN 420 Week 4 Quiz BUSN 420 Week 5 Assignment BUSN 420 Week 5 Quiz BUSN 420 Week 6 Assignment BUSN 420 Week 6 Quiz BUSN 420 Week 7 Assignment BUSN 420 Week 8 Exam Answers Question 1. 1. (TCO 1) As an assistant in the legal department†¦show more content†¦(Points : 25) Question 4. 4. (TCO 4) Sandy mails a letter back to Andrea that she has signed; the letter makes reference to a car Andrea has for sale and Andrea’s desired price. When Andrea later delivers the car to Sandy, Sandy returns the car, claiming she does not want the car and that they did not have a contract, so she is not bound to keep the car. Andrea, however, claims they do have a contract and wants to enforce said contract for the price of the car. What standard would the court use to determine whether there is a contract between the parties for the sale of the car? (Points : 25) Question 5. 5. (TCO 5) There are several distinctions in contract law between the UCC and common law as it relates to certain principles. As it relates to modification of a contract, how is the UCC’s treatment of this subject different from that of common law? What are the important factors to be considered? Provide an example that demonstrates the difference. (Points : 25) Page 2 Question 1. 1. (TCO 6) Explain your understanding of administrative law. How would you classify administrative law from a categorical standpoint as it fits in the context of other areas of law and what procedures are involved in the administrative process as it pertains to an agency’s function and purpose?
Sunday, December 15, 2019
The Relationship Between Entrepreneurship Free Essays
In order to completely understand the relation, it is Important to define what Is meant by each of the terms before Identifying any links between them. Joseph Schumacher defined entrepreneurship as â€Å"whatever the type, everyone is entrepreneur only when he actually carries out a new combination and loses that character as soon as he has built up his business, when he settles to running it as other people run their 1934, p. 78) I agree with most of this definition as this basically means that a person is only an entrepreneur when something new Is created. We will write a custom essay sample on The Relationship Between Entrepreneurship or any similar topic only for you Order Now After this point, they are not considered entrepreneurs as whatever they have created Is no longer new. Schumacher also said that Innovation Is the creation of a new product, new method of production, new markets or new ways of directing resources. It is also important to distinguish between incremental and radical Innovation. Incremental innovation refers to a small change whereas radical change means a revolutionary change, For example, the Invention of the first mobile phone was a radical innovation. The release of Apple’s latest phone is an incremental innovation. Firstly, I will examine the correlation between Just entrepreneurship and innovation. In my opinion, it is impossible to be an entrepreneur without being innovative. Summerset’s definition supports this belief. The person needs to create something incrementally or radically new in order to be an entrepreneur. A good example of this would be Steve Jobs, one of the founders of Apple. His Innovation towards portable music was radical In the sense that his product was compact. However, since then, he has made more products such as phones and computers. Schumacher also argued that innovation allows firms to generate abnormal profits which are required as they encourage research and development. However, I believe that this research and development often leads to incremental change rather than radical change. This can be seen by looking at Apple as well. Apple constantly makes incremental changes to FIFO However, incremental change is essential for economic development. Economic development is defined as the rise in the general standards of living and quality of life. It is measured by the Human Developmental Index (HID). The HID is a â€Å"way of measuring development by combining indicators of life expectancy, educational attainment and income†(UNDO, 2011). Economic development can only be achieved if there is economic growth. Economic growth is the rise in a nation’s real gross domestic product (GAP). Considering that â€Å"Development requires the removal of major sources of unfounded: poverty as well as tyranny, poor economic opportunities as well as systematic social deprivation, neglect of public facilities as well as intolerance or overcapacity of oppressive states. (Mammary Seen, 1999, p. 3), I firmly believe that economic growth can lead to economic development. Entrepreneurship and innovation fuels economic growth as it makes demand rise. An entrepreneur innovates and creates something to meet a pre-existing yet unfulfilled demand. As a result, people buy that product, allowing the entrepreneur to earn profits. These profits can be invested back into the business. The proces s then starts again and causes the economy to grow. A growing economy results in increasing expenditure. This means that unemployment falls and incomes rise. This means that consumption of necessity goods increases. The provision and consumption of services such as health care and education can also increase. Governments can also generate more revenue from tax as incomes and expenditure rises. This means the provision of public goods such as clean drinking water, sanitation and law and order increases. A rise in the supply of public goods causes a reduction in inequality gap and improves income distribution. All of these constitute to economic development as the standard of living has now been improved and this can be proven by calculating the values for the HID indicators. Furthermore, economic growth is also an incentive for more innovation as it signals to the potential entrepreneurs that the economic conditions are suitable for making profits. It is due to all these conditions that I believe that the ‘uninformed’ mentioned in Ken’s definition are removed and aptly addressed during a period of economic growth, thus, resulting in economic development. An example, from Kenya, of the process above supports my argument. According to an article published by The Guardian, a Kenya telecommunications company, Safari, started providing a mobile banking service called ‘M-Peas’ in 2003. This service permitted its users to store money on their phones and pay for items or transfer money via SMS. This provided people with an alternative source of banking that was better than the traditional method because it was portable and did not impose heavy charges for transactions. As a result, demand for mobile phones went up. A study done by the London Business School showed that for every 10 extra mobile phones per 100 people, GAP in a developing nation went up by 0. 5%. Mobile phones also aided in economic development because they â€Å"can also be used to spread vital information about farming and healthcare to isolated rural areas send symptoms of a disease to a doctor via text and receive a diagnosis. Farmers could find the market price of the crops to ensure that they are not cheated. Mobile banking is not a radical innovation however; incremental change can be more beneficial for less developed countries. This service helps improve the quality of life for people in remote, rural areas that are hard to get to due to poor infrastructure. Although, entrepreneurship and innovation can cause economic growth, it isn’t the only way. Economic growth can also be found in situations from which entrepreneurship is completely absent. A prime example of this would be the Russia during the sass. During this time, Russia was a centrally planned economy. By definition this means that all decisions were made by the state rather than individuals. â€Å"The decade of sass was thus the â€Å"golden period†of Soviet economic Roth. The patterns of Soviet growth of the sass in terms of growth accounting were very similar to the Japanese growth of the sass-ass and to Korean and Taiwanese growth in the 1960-ass – fast increases in labor productivity counterweighted the decline in capital productivity’ (Vladimir Pop, 2010) These nations saw an increase in their GAP even during a lack of entrepreneurship due to increased labor productivity. However, the rise in GAP only lasted a decade. As it can be inferred by inspecting the current economic conditions in the former Soviet states, the growth was not sustainable. Sustainability looks at the level of self-sufficiency a product or notion has. It is related to entrepreneurship and innovation in the sense that if a product, idea or procedure is not sustainable, the likelihood of its existence is low. It’s obvious to me that an entrepreneur is less likely to follow through with an idea that cannot continuously generate profits. Conversely, the concept of sustainable development has to be discussed while trying to understand the relationship between economic development and sustainability. Sustainable development is defined as â€Å"development that meets the needs of the resent without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. †(NUANCED, 1987)This means that entrepreneurs have to be innovative in a manner that satisfies the current demand but does not harm the future generation’s capacity to innovate and satisfy their demands. Sustainable entrepreneurship can help achieve economic development. For example, the invention of the catalytic converter by Eugene Hydro was a radical innovation that was meant to reduce the air pollution created by exhausts from chimneys and automobiles. This kind of radical innovation benefits the developed nations more as they have a higher rate of institution and more factories and automobiles that create emissions. In this case, sustainable entrepreneurship increases economic development because impact on health, one of the factors measured by the HID, is reduced. In conclusion, the relationship between entrepreneurship, innovation and economic development is a bilateral one. I think it is impossible to be an entrepreneur without causes economic growth which is required for economic development. However, economic growth does not equate to economic development, as shown by the report on Soviet growth rates. Even though there was economic growth, there was a very insignificant, if any, rise in the standards of living. For me, this highlights the importance of entrepreneurship in achieving economic development. Even though I think radical innovation is a better reflection of entrepreneurship, I think that incremental innovation is of greater importance for the purposes of promoting economic development in less developed countries. The incremental innovations done by entrepreneurs in less developed nations, such as Safari in Kenya, are vital for economic development due to the nature of the infrastructure in these countries. Radical innovations such as the creation of the catalytic converter and whiney scrubbers that reduce emissions are significant for improving the standards of living in developed nations due to the opulence and levels of consumption. Sustainability and sustainable development play a noteworthy role in this relationship. How to cite The Relationship Between Entrepreneurship, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Environmental Impact Reduction of Commercial MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Environmental Impact Reduction of Commercial. Answer: Introduction The Changi Airport group is the wholly owned subsidiary that deals with the management of the airports globally. The Singapore Changi Airport group is the leading manager of providing services in the aviation sector. It has been seen that the airports are the main parts of the infrastructure of the country as well a the economic development. Talking about the global experience of the Chagi Airport, Then the company already built 50 airports including Singapore Changi group in minimum 20 countries. This report outlines the human resource management planning of Chingi Airport group that focuses on the motivation of the employees, their performance as well as the career planning. The report focused on many theories and concepts identified by the famous authors like Maslow, Stone and Mathis. The report explains the job enlargement concept also. There are basically 4 environmental factors that affect the culture, management and the structure of the Changi Airport group. According to Stone (2005) there are four main trends or factors that affect the working of the aviation industry. The four factors are Political, Economic, Social, Technological, and this framework has a great impact on the airline industry. These environmental factors are not under the control of the Changi Airport group. The political factors involve into the interference of the government on the operations of the Aviation industry. The Aviation industry is the industry which operates in the political and legal environment. All the operations of the airline industries are regulated and restricted by the political environments. The interference of government in the operations is important for safety purposes as well protecting the interests of the passengers (Abdulkadir, 2012). The economic condition of the country is the important factor that affects the business as well all its activities. The economic condition or the economic health of the country can be measured by many indicators. The economic condition of the country can be measured through the per capita income of the country, gross domestic product and industrial growth. Moving further, the change in the prices of the oil is the major factor that may affect the profitability of the airline industry. Social and demographic factors These are the factors that affect the business of Changi Airport business with the changing preference regarding travel of the new generation. However, over the last years, the demand for the airports and the airlines is increasing which is beneficial for the business of the Changi group. The Forecasting of the demand of the generation for air travel can be done by the growth of the new generation. For example, the forecasting of the future demand of US tour and travel can be measured by the millions of generations (Gray-Mullen, 2011). This will depend on the age of the people like including 16 to 34 years old people in young generation. The technological factor is also very important factor in the business of airport management. The companies like Changi Airport group adopts the latest technologies to survive in the aviation sector with its competitors. It is the clear fact that the new technological airports and airlines leads to low fuel emissions, which maintain the cost as well as efficiency (Salah, 2014). Maslows Hierarchy of needs helps motivate employees Organizational behavior is the process with the help of which Chingi Airport group company can determine the expectations of the workers and found many ways to meet their expectations. The Chingi Airport group can offer incentives to its employees, when they know about the needs of the employees. The rewards and the incentives will depend upon the organizational need of the employees. Maslow, Herzberg and many people discovered many theories and concepts of the organizational behavior. It is very important to identify the needs of human being and there are many theories and studies that are applied to identify the needs (Wahba Bridwell, 1976)s. This is an obvious thing that every individual has needs and also fluctuates with the passage of time. The very popular theory is used to identify the needs developed by the Maslow. Maslow introduced hierarchy of five needs. Maslow Theory of identifying needs: -According to Maslows theory, there are five needs of the human beings (Jackson, 2012). The hierarchy of Maslows need starts with the physiological needs which are the basic needs of the any human being and these kind of needs include food shelter and clothing. The safety needs are those which are related to the job security, and security of resources. And also involve the needs of belongingness covers family, friendship etc. Moving further to the next level, the esteem needs which relate to the respect, self esteem, confidence etc. Moreover, the creativity and acceptance of the facts are the part of the self actualization. As per the view of the Maslow, one must satisfy the basic needs to fulfill the needs of the self actualization. Maslow believed that there dwells a certain number of needs in humans and those needs are met in a certain order (Kaur, 2013). According to the Mathis and Jackson (2000), there are four types of the incentives. First one is Financial incentives, second is non financial, third one is organizational and last is group incentives. Talking about the type of incentives, it will depend upon the nature and behavior of the employees working in the organization as there are many people who are satisfied with appraisal only and there are also employees who expects some financial rewards. Thus, it is important to analyze the actual requirement of the employees working in Chingi airport group (Jackson, 2012). Monetary rewards These types of rewards are beneficial to motivate and encourage the most of the employees in Changi Airport group. The form of giving the monetary or financial reward is bonuses,increments, promotions and salary hike, etc. Moreover, a company also offers some of the allowances for the accommodation, vehicles to satisfy and encourage the employees in the company. As a result of which, the company also offers the option of provident funds for the future savings of the employees. Organizational rewards: - The organization rewards stands for the distribution of the profits or income into the different employees who performed well. This will automatically encourage and motivates the employees to perform efficiently for the future. The Ching Airport group follows the policy to distribute the bonuses after a certain period of time like monthly yearly or half yearly. Non monetary awards: - Apart from the Monetary rewards, there is the option of non financial reward which is for those employees who work for the appreciation, not for the money. They need a non monetary incentives in the form of appreciation, announcing best employer of the month, performance appraisal in front of the whole organization. The Chingi Airport group organized many events in which they appreciate the performances of the employees to motivate and encourage them to work harder. The chingi airport group announced the employee of the month on the basis of their performance and to tell the other employees that how important they are for the company. These are the best ways to motivate as they save the costs and time of the company(McNulty, 2006). There are a number of ways to offer the non financial rewards and they are as follows Employee recognition events organized on periodical basis. To appreciate, in front of the organization for the better productivity of Chingi Airport group. Offering vouchers and bonuses in the form of Gift cards as token of appreciation. To make the employees important , the company displays the name of the best employees on the notice board. Group incentives: - The company divided the employees into team and group to perform the particular task. The engagement of the employees into the important work of the company make them happy to be a part of the organization. It is very important to clarify and communicate the objectives of the company so that the employees working in teams perform well to achieve the objectives. The group incentives can be achieved by engaging the staff and it is very important as to increase the productivity and the employee engagement follows some steps like to prepare, include, communicate and then clarify. The group incentives are in the form of some movie tickets, entertainment packages, holiday packages for the employees. The engagement of staff in groups or teams results into the coordination and more positive results. (Gonzlez Hupe, 2007). Participation in Decision Making: - The participation of the employees in the decision making is the best tool to motivate and encourage them. The employees get motivated when the importance is given to their decisions and ideas . The employees ideas and their knowledge sometimes lead to good results. The positive point is that , it results into low absenteeisim of the employees in the company. (Team, 2010). Three points on the importance of performance appraisal and career planning Performance appraisal and the career planning are the two most important aspects. As we know that the employees are the most important tool of the organization. It is very important to value and appraise the performance of the new as well as the older workers, but also the HR professionals in Chingi Airport should plan and prepare for the exit from the workforce. The women HR professionals need to conduct some strategic workforce analysis to measure the loss of experienced talent in the coming years. It is very important to take care of the strategic planning and all the internal as well as external factors. The performance of the employees should be analyzed and then take the best decisions regarding the best performance of the employees and then appreciate the employees accordingly. Its very important to encourage the young generation as they come up with the new ideas and work for the company success as compared to the experienced people. It is essential to conduct the training se ssions and to share the relevant information with the employees to improve their performance. The clear description regarding the technology used should be given to these employees in the training program (CAI Team, 2017). The connection between the performance and the incentives given to them should be strong. The suggestion box rules in the Chingi Airport company also helps to know the drawbacks and flaws in the performance of the all the employees and how that can be improved. As it is clear from the name that job enlargement is the process of increasing the job tasks and responsibilities. The job enlargement has its positive as well as negative effects. A Job enlargement at the Chingi Airport group helpful in the improvement of the skills of the employees. The increase in the task will give them an opportunity to learn more about the new things. This increases the chances of earning capacity. As in the future period of time, the employees can bargain with the other employers for more salary (Adenle, 2011). From the prospective of the organization like Chingi Airport group, the employees are able to perform wide range of the activities and single employees holds multi activities at one time that makes the employees versatile. The next benefit is that the absenteeism of the employees will be reduced if the organization encourages its employees and create a feeling of importance in their minds.. Furthermore, If all the employees collectively motivated then it is an obvious that automatically, team work is promoted work together to achieve the goals and teamwork leads to efficiency. Also, it is beneficial in reducing the turnover of the organization because the company needs not to hire new employees in the organization. Disadvantages of job enlargement The disadvantages of the job enlargement are that it increases the burden of the work and it is not necessary that every company provides extra money for extra work. The Chingi airport group is the company who pays an extra amount for the extra work. By doing this, the Chingi group recognizes the efforts of the individuals working in the Singapore Chingi groups. The increase in the task and activities may result into the frustration of the employee when these activities of the employees result into no rewards, no promotions, no extra salary. Another problem exists with the job enlargement is that the union members of airlines group may consider this as an exploitation of the employees at the company and resist the employees to enter into the job enlargement. The main 3 factors that resist the employees to enter into the process of job enlargement and these are the frustration of the employee, no extra money or salary and the overburden of the work on. It is important to hire young people in the organization but on the other hand, it is also important to retain the expert people. Both the generations have its pros and cons. Both of them are needed in the organization and their importance is equally same. But retaining the old employee as well as training the new employees is quite an expensive process Conclusion The whole report is based on the employee recognition and their motivation in the company. The company chosen for this report is a Singapore Chingi group that deals with the management of the airports . The company expects that the employee are very important and their satisfaction is must for the successful growth of the business. References Abdulkadir, D., 2012. Effects of Strategic Performance Appraisal, Career Planning and Employee Participation on Organizational Commitment: An Empirical Study. 5(4), pp. 1-10. Adenle, C., 2011. 12 Reasons Why Employees Resist Change in the Workplace, Available at: https://catherinescareercorner.com/2011/07/26/12-reasons-why-employees-resist-change-in-the-workplace/ CAI Team, 2017. Creating world-class airports worldwide. [Online] Available at: https://www.cai.sg/about-us/corporate-profile/ Gonzlez, R. Hupe, J., 2007. ICAO Environmental Report 2007, Available at: https://www.icao.int/environmental-protection/Documents/Env_Report_07.pdf Gray-Mullen, P., 2011. Environmental Impacts of Aviation, Available at: https://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/millennium/00036.pdf Jackson, 2012. Human Resource Management: Wage, Salary and Reward Administration, Available at: https://docshare01.docshare.tips/files/9920/99207905.pdf Kaur, A., 2013. Maslows Need Hierarchy Theory: Applications and Criticisms. Global Journal of Management and Business Studies., 3(3), pp. 1061-1064. McNulty, R., 2006. Strategic review of general aviation in the UK, Available at: https://publicapps.caa.co.uk/docs/33/StrategicReviewGA.pdf Salah, K., 2014. Environmental impact reduction of commercial aircraft around airports. Less noise and less fuel consumption. European Transport Research Review, March , 6(1), p. 7184. Team, H., 2010. Redeployment and Exit Strategies, Available at: https://www.hrwale.com/hr-planning/70-2/ Wahba, N. Bridwell, W., 1976. Maslow reconsidered: A review on research on the need hierarchy model, Available at: https://larrybridwell.com/Maslo.pdf
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